Thursday, October 28, 2010

Halloween Bat Decorations

It's always fun to make your own Halloween decorations; it's just hard to figure out what to make. Making bats out of egg cartons is a simple and fun decoration to make. There is practically no cost, depending on how fancy you want to make them. Here are the easy steps:

Take an egg carton and cut into sections so that each piece has three egg holders to make one bat. Then, the two sides on the egg holders are supposed to be the wings, so you'll need to cut a half circle on the front and back of each sides. Make a hole in the middle egg holder so you can hang it up later. The next step is to paint the egg holders black. Once the paint has fully dried, glue on eyes (or glue on white paper with black dots for eyes). That's as simple as it can get. If you want to get creative, you can add fangs or decorate the wings with glitter, etc. You can hang them up inside or outside!

1 comment:

  1. I guess I am an idiot but just in case there are any other dummies out there .... use CARDBOARD egg cartons, not STYROFOAM. I melted my first batch with the paint. :)
